October 15, 2024

A1 Group connects its teleport in Aflenz with 400 Gbit/s internationally to Frankfurt and Mailand (fully redundant)

Livia Dandrea-Böhm

A1 Press Contact

The A1 Group announces that it has upgraded its international capacity from Aflenz to Frankfurt and Milan that allow 400 Gbit/s bandwidth and is now “Live” native with this bandwidth.
In particular, the increasing demand for streaming, broadcasting and gaming offerings in particular should be professionally covered by short latencies and high bandwidths. The activation of this route lays an important foundation stone for global connections and further growth opportunities for our customers. In addition to DWDM capacity services, customers can benefit from the A1 Group’s high-quality Ethernet product portfolio, which meets the high quality standards of the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF 3.0). A1 has proven with these links to have a state of the art backbone capable of newest bandwidths up to 400Gbit/s native.

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